Customer Testimonials

   During the time we have been in business, we have received many "thank-you" E-Mails from customers telling us how well our program really works.  At the time we received them, we would print them out and pass them around the office to show our employees the great work they have been doing and how happy customers are with the results. 

   Until now, that was all we've done with them.  Well, our web designer got the idea to post the messages on our web site to let others know just how well our program is.  From our promises before the sale, to the support we provide after the sale, from the research of how people follow directions to the actual designing and layout of the booklet, every detail was well though out and planned.  So from now on, we are going to post the "thank-you" letters on this page, unedited, just as it came to us.  Right now we have none to put up because we have never saved them in the past, but as more come in, this page will get larger.  So please come back often and see what others have to say about our program.

This e-mail was received May 16th, 2000

I just wanted to say, that I received your information
on Saturday and think that this is one of the tightest
programs I've seen.  I did a little research and you
have truly taken the time to research each step and
walk the reader through it.  I spent about $22 and
this information was worth much more than that.  I
can tell you are not in it soley for the money but also
for the enrichment of those people who have made
few bad business or credit decisions.  Thanks for the
information.  You are truly a trust worthly company.
When you say you'll give step by step instructions
you mean it.  There was no upsale gimmick, to buy
other products.  If I come across others that need
the education, I will refer them to you.  I rather they
learn straight from the horses mouth.(or words for
that matter).

Feel free to quote me on any sales letters, because
your product of information is on the money!! or
should I say... treated like gold which is were my
credit will be very soon.

Thanks for the info.
K. Daniels